February Garden To-Do List
1. Clean up garden tools with a 10% bleach solution, sharpen blades, oil hinges and start up the mower.
5. Plant some fragrance! Viburnum ‘Pink Dawn’, Chinese Witch Hazel and sarcococca are our fragrant winter flowering favourites that will make great additions to every-one’s garden.
8. Prep your veggie beds! Most soils are tired by the end of the growing season so, if you haven’t amended them already, work in some Sea Soil, quality compost and/or well-rotted manures to get that organic matter in and working. Our garden soils are quite heavy right now too, so opening them up with fine fir or hemlock bark mulch will improve drainage.
9. Start select plants from seed. Giant Spanish onions, multipliers, broad beans and leeks are good candidates to get going. Our first onion sets just arrived, and the first seed potatoes will be here by the third week of February. Our home-grown starter veggies will be ready starting the third week of February as well.