Reviving Your Garden

Reviving Your Garden

Reviving Your Garden Take advantage of these ten tips to rejuvenate and nurture your plants! Here we are just part way through summer and our gardens have been under a great deal of stress from the intense heat and lack of rain. How do we get them back on track so we...
Watering During Hot Spells

Watering During Hot Spells

Watering During Hot Spells Despite the cooler June weather, it is dry out there now and your plants and trees need water. During a run of very warm days we need to be aware of the importance of thorough watering, as well as how to water wisely. Watering is an art, and...
Summer Fruit Tree Pruning

Summer Fruit Tree Pruning

Summer Fruit Tree Pruning Dormant season is indeed ‘pruning season’ but summer pruning can help improve a tree’s overall health and vigour.   Peach, nectarine, Japanese plum, pear and apple trees are good candidates for summer pruning. Doing so will...


Dogwoods When we mention dogwoods, most folks think of our provincial flower that comes from the native dogwood, ‘Cornus nuttallii’ or the beautiful pink ‘floridas’.  Actually, the dogwood family is large and quite diverse.  ‘Cornus’ is the...
Preparing Summer Vegetable Gardens

Preparing Summer Vegetable Gardens

Preparing Summer Vegetable Gardens Before you lift even one shovel full of soil to get your summer vegetable garden ready, we’d like to offer a few suggestions on how to achieve better success with your edibles this year.  We tend to be creatures of habit, but why not...