What to Watch for After a Cool, Wet Spring

What to Watch for After a Cool, Wet Spring

Minter Country Garden Normally, when we edge our way from spring to summer, the weather gets a little warmer, a little drier, and out come the shorts and T-shirts. Well, this year is certainly far from normal! The many days of cool, wet weather that we have had are...
Early Spring Planting

Early Spring Planting

Minter Country Garden Old Man Winter is quickly fading, which is good for us and our gardens! Check out this guide to planting early spring plants. We’ve been so fortunate to have a temperate winter this year (okay, with the exception of that spell in January!), so...
We Love Those Spuds!

We Love Those Spuds!

Blog “Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew…”* Any way you like them, potatoes are fantastic, and they are classified as one of the world’s healthiest foods. Last season, Brian contacted Bill Zylman to put together some helpful tips for potato gardeners....
April Lawn Care

April Lawn Care

how to weed my lawn Taking Your Time With very few exceptions your lawn and soil will need time to adjust to new conditions as you change them. A good rule of thumb is to wait until you have mowed your lawn three times before addressing the next issue. Yes, it can...
Early Spring Colour

Early Spring Colour

Early Spring Colour Spring Groundwork There are a few things to keep in mind to set up your early season plants for success. These plants may be tough, but a shock to the system like suddenly setting them outside after being in a warm greenhouse could set them back....